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By admin on september 30, 2015
Posted in Economy, Environment, Nature, Politics | Tagged agreement, alternative energy sources, anger, BP, cartoon, climate, climate change, climate deniers, climate negotiations, commitment to the environment, editorial cartoon, energy, environment, environmental disaster, Exxon, fossil, fossils industry, frustration, global, illustration, lobbying, Max Gustafson, oil, oil companies, oil industry, oil lobbyists, Paris, political cartoonist, pollution, rage, renewable, satire, satire drawing, Shell, solar cells, solar heating, solar power, the climate, wind power, wind turbines, Wrath | Leave a response
By Max Gustafson on juni 17, 2014
Posted in Economy, Law and order, Politics, Society | Tagged campagne, capitalist, cartoon, cartoonist, cayman islands, luxury, Max Gustafson, money, political satire, refugees, rich, social security, society, tax exiles, tax haven, wellfare | Leave a response
By Max Gustafson on augusti 1, 2013
Posted in Economy, Environment, Society | Tagged buy, cartoonist, climate, comic, consume, consumer society, consumerism, consumption, desposable, economy, environment, finance, gadgets, goods, growth, illustration, material happiness, Max Gustafson, money, natural resources, political satire, producing, satire, shop, shopping, society, spending, throwaway, toys, trash, unsustainable, waste | 1 Response
By Max Gustafson on juli 26, 2013
Posted in Economy | Tagged bank, bank crash, banking crisis, capitalism, cartoon, cartooning, cartoonist, casino, cloves, comic, credits, currency, deposit, depression, drawing, economy, elite, financial crisis, gambling, illustration, illustrator, injustice, kleptocracy, luxury, Max Gustafson, money, political, political cartoon, politics, poor, poverty, rich, satire, satire cartoon, save, social divides, speculation, speculative finance, speculator, stock market, stock market casino, stock market speculation, tax, tighten their belts, upper class, wealth, working class | Leave a response
By Max Gustafson on juli 14, 2013
Posted in Economy, Environment, Nature | Tagged arctic, birds, cartoon, cartooning, cartoonist, clean-up, climate, comic, drawing, environment, environmental disaster, Eskimos, global warming, igloo, illustration, illustrator, Inuit, Lundin petroleum, Max Gustafson, money, natural disaster, offshore drilling, oil, oil companies, oil company, oil disaster, oil drilling, oil extraction, oil rig, oil spill, oil spills, polar bears, political, politics, pollution, satire, satire drawing, seals, shareholders, shares, Shell, short-sightedness, the arctic, tragedy | Leave a response
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